Sunday, March 20, 2011

What's the secret, Max?

This guy is cool as fuck. Wish I was this cool. Fuck.
I think this photo is from the movie "Rushmore", but my favorite movie with Bill Murray is probably "A life aquatic" if not counting "Ghostbusters".
On another note; I have a huge math test coming up and I have about 120 math problems to solve until then.
I'm procrastinating like a boss.


  1. internet=leading cause of procrastination

    I´m living proof lol

    oh and yeah, Bill Fucking Murray...´nuff said

  2. Daniella: No kidding, I have put up post-its with "DO FUCKING MATH" all over the house but so far it isnt doing much. Oh, well.

  3. lol @ Daniella
    Skruf, wish you success in your math test

  4. Dude, he's walking around with a bike while wearing sunglasses. He's so badass xD LOL

  5. How is The Life Aquatic? I love Bill Murray but never got a chance to see it.

  6. Sean: Its the most underrated Bill Murray film ever! I love it, but I generally like Wes Anderson movies. I know some people have problems with the kind of quirkyness of his movies but I like. Color schemes, clothing etc.

  7. He does look pretty cool, I have 3 weeks of math homework due tomorrow, but It is still spring break, can I am going to enjoy every second of it.

  8. That guy is pretty cool! :P love the post man!

  9. ilove the Ghostbusters, he makes it.

  10. just found out a couple days ago, Bill murray and I have the same birthday :3
